Evan Millward – President
John Simpson – Treasurer – WTVW – Evansville, IN
Susan Dinkle – Secretary WTHI – Terre Haute, IN
Tracy Townsend – VP Ohio – WBNS – Columbus, OH
Brian Cissell – VP Indiana – 14News – Evansville, IN
DeLaina Crutcher – VP Kentucky – WLEX – Lexington, KY
Nancy Cox - President Emeritus – Lexington, KY-Enders
Diana Bergemann – WOSU – Columbus, OH
Jonathan DeMuth - Columbus Blue Jackets - Columbus, OH
Maria Durant – Franklin County Sherriff’s Office, Columbus, OH
Lena Duncan - WHAS, Louisville, KY
Scott Eckhardt – WLKY, Louisville, KY
Jonathan Gregg – Spectrum News – Louisville, KY
Donald Hancock – University of Cincinnati – Cincinnati, OH
Sarah Hogencamp – Asbury University – Lexington, KY
Dan Hollis - Marshall University - Huntington. WV
Scott Thompson – RESLV, Cincinnati, OH
The Ohio Valley Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and video content creation. Our mission is to serve our members, promote the highest standards in television professionalism and recognize excellence in television throughout our region with the coveted regional Emmy® award. We also educate and mentor the next generation of professionals with scholarships and the High School and College Student Production Awards.
The roots of The Ohio Valley Chapter can be traced to 1959 when the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences was petitioned to form a regional Chapter in Columbus, Ohio. That Charter was granted by the National Trustees in September of 1962, marking the beginning of the National Academy’s second “regional”, known then as the Columbus Chapter of NATAS. In its first year, the fledgling organization named Merv Durea (Program Director, WLW-C) its first president, established a scholarship ‘to be awarded to an outstanding Ohio State University student in television’, and sponsored professional development seminars featuring Rod Serling (October 1962) and Shari Lewis (March 1963).
In 1964, the Columbus Chapter’s first Emmy® Awards were presented to “Channel 10 Reports”, WBNS; and “Christmas in the Air”, WLW-C at the Museum of Science & Industry in Columbus.
The Columbus/Dayton/Cincinnati Chapter was established by 1974 when the Chapter expanded to include Dayton and Cincinnati. Our Chapter is unique in that it is the only regional NATAS chapter that retains its Charter in three cities.
In the early 1990s, the Emmy® Award boundaries of all regional chapters were expanded to ensure that every television professional in the United States would have access to and eligibility in the renowned Emmy® Awards. In 1994, the C/D/C Chapter adopted a more inclusive name, the Ohio Valley Chapter, to more accurately reflect the large region we serve.
Today, our chapter presents the prestigious and coveted Emmy® Award to television and video content creation professionals in thirteen markets across four states, recognizes talented students through our high school and college Student Production Awards, and makes scholarships available to students at accredited colleges and universities throughout the region.
The Emmy® name and the Emmy® statuette are the trademarked property of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (“NATAS”) and The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (“ATAS”). Additionally, the Emmy® name, logo and statuette are licensed to the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (“International Academy”) for International Emmys®.
The Academies have adopted the following rules concerning use of clips from their respective Emmy® awards presentations:
Although the Academies will permit certain uses of the Emmy® name and statuette in other contexts, the unrestricted use of the same violates both the value and stature of the Emmy® and may serve to dilute the marks. Therefore the following uses, although permitted under some circumstances, always require prior express written authorization from the chief operating officer of the Academy from which authorization is sought:
These provisions apply to NATAS; readers should contact each of the other Academies to determine their applicable rules as to sponsor identification and Emmy® show activities